Monday, January 31, 2011

Steps to the Fresh Faced look For Summer

You will need 3 things this summer to get a look as fresh as the spring surroundings.
fresh face make up
1. Blush - The most important part of this look is the rosy cheek that keeps your look young and Sunkist. Best applied to the apples.
2. Mascara - Defining the eye is important in every look. The best way to do that and make the eye look bigger is with mascara.  Leave the inner lashes nearest your nose naked so that the outer eye looks big and bold and the inner eye looks open making your eyes appear bigger. This can also be achieved by only coating the top lashes.
3. Nude Lip Color - This will soften your look dramatically.
4. Light Colored Eye Liner or shadow (shimmer optional) - This really tops off the look.  The other 2 cosmetics needed for this look are a must, but to polish off the look you should take a nude shimmer and line the inner corners of the eye with it.  This will really open your eye and make them look youthful and fresh.
5. Black Eye Liner - Optional for day but a necessity to take this look from fresh spring day to hot summer night. Put a thick line across the top lid and feel free to throw in a cat eye curve at each end and make the look really simmer.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

70's Style Comeback - 5 Trends to Look For

The sleek lines of the 70 are back. Think Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface.  I am pretty excited to see it but as usual the runway was filled with uber-skinny models (design elite should be more conscious after Isabelle Caro). Now that I can step off my highhorse, the highlights:

1. Big Rim Hats - Big for spring, bigger for summer we will see tons of celebrities donning this high fashion item.

2. Boat Necklines - This Classic style will be gracing the necks of many trendy celebs this summer,

3. Peasant Blouses - For beach coverups, Brunch attire, or general, peasant blouses offer a range of outfit options and look great with shorts and platforms.

4. High Wasited Wide Legged Trousers - Paired with a skinny belt, this look can be very slimming if done correctly.

5. Bold Floral Print - You will see a ton of bold print misses this summer due a rise in popularity.  Trendy as it may be this statement will say alot so be sure to say it right.